Monday, July 13, 2009

Respect your elders-sometimes its impossible

I know the old adage "respect your elders" but when they act like this...
I pulled into a parking space this morning opened my door and stepped out at the same timeAlexis opened her door. I am standing there holding her door so she and her friend can get out.

This older man (grandpa age ) starts to pull in the space next to me sees both truck doors open hesitates for a nano second and then proceeds to literally gun it and pulls into the space he barely misses both my doors Alexis jumps back as she is half in and half out. I stand there my mouth open to my knees cant believe this is happening. The man jumps out and I say couldn't you have waited a minute? I have 2 small children I am getting out of the truck ,he says no I have three kids inside and that beats your 2 by 1.(at this point its on... you old sob) So I loudly
say.... oops I hit your car with my door so sorry... he comes running back screaming you had better not have. I shrug my shoulders and say oops. Then he says you had better watch your self you never know what could happen to your truck while your in there. Ohhh ok ASSHOLE its on now... I call local pd they will have an officer make contact with me, walk into the pool sit down at a table look up and low and behold guess whos in the pool yeppers mr asshole himself, he glares at me my phone rings it pd... I very very loudly proceed to file a report complete with description of his vehicle, plate number and describe him perfectly and let the officer know that he is glaring at me as we speak, next thing I know he jumps out of pool and disappears officer suggests I follow him and make sure hes not out in parking lot... sure enough hes out there... hes moving his vehicle clear across the parking lot. So as you can today it was very very hard to respect my elders.


kristi said...

You go, girl!

dykewife said...

respect, as always, is earned. jerks of any age don't get it, respect or the concept.

Anonymous said...

oh girl you were HOT!
you handled yourself very well...
there were no deaths.
So, I'd say you did respect um er life. ;)

RIO said...

What a creep!