WEll ya'll knew it was bound to happen it has been a while since we have had any new additions to the ranch .......... meet Dottie she is a 6 day old Dorper lamb she was born 2 weeks premature and her twin brother did not make it, she weighs less than a pound and needs to be fed every 2 hours by bottle. As ususal my loving husband was sure I do not have enough to do around here and was convinced that I would welcome here with open arms and barely open eyes as the around the clock feedings commenced, yes you are reading correctly just like a new born human child every 2 hours does mean every 2 hours.
WHAT the loving hubby did forget was....... I am having major surgery again next month and the task of feeding all the critters he brings home will fall on him even the 2 hour feedings..... hehehehe.